So Tiger has been working hard in creating his own harem but some of his choices leave me wondering what he was going for! Some of these ladies are attractive to most guys and then others obviously had other attributes that outweighed the physical qualities!
His wife Elin, an accomplished model is nothing bad to look at and rumors have it that her figure bounced back after two kids! So what was Tiger looking for to kill his appetite for the ladies? Was it his never being satisfied with a gorgeous woman or is there an underlying factor or desire?
Tiger in my opinion is a freak at the highest level and his super model wife is a "vanilla sex" chick and Tiger needs his freak button pushed and wifey wasn't doing it! Ever hear the phrase "if your woman won't do it, there is a woman that will?" Well looks like the wife is just good looks and an arm trophy!
It's obvious that some of these ladies are pretty but freak status and willing to do whatever Tiger wants is what got them involved with Tiger! Women always say they would do anything to hook up with a guy with money, status and or power! Well these women definitely put out the freak card enough to tempt Tiger's lustful palette for a sexual freak!
They know he was married and to whom so they new they were the mistress and a long-term relationship was not on the table so if a sexual encounter is what he is after these ladies new they had to be open to pretty much anything in order to get a repeat performance and any perks they may come along with!
3 of the ladies are blond and the rest all were dark haired and the redhead Mindy Lawton is strictly a freak! She is plain jane and she must do some stuff because the competition seems to be tough! Who knows but Mindy, Jaimee and Rachel seem to be more of the freaks what he likes that don't look like his wife!
We shall see what will come of all this! I know one thing! Tiger if your going to use your playa card you need to do things a little cleaner because it's not like your an unknown person anywhere in the world! Pick your playthings and keep them to yourself and quit thinking your the ultimate baller! Plus if your going to cheat get with someone that is equal to or better looking than your wife! (I know hard to pull off) If it's all about your "freakdom" then use your money and connections to give you the privacy to get your freak on!
All in all you made a big mistake by playing this game and you messed up big and now your human like the rest of us! You got married and if you knew Elin was not as freaky as you like then you needed to keep her on the side and not get married! Some women only play the freak card until you marry them and then they shut down! You married her and this is what you get so straighten up and fly right!
The rest of Woods' harem includes a number of hot-bodied blondes and brunettes with an average age of 30, most of whom are cocktail waitresses. While the damage is done on Woods' squeak-clean image, keeping track of the Tiger's scorecard is no easy task, so click through to get the latest on the golfer's sex scandal ... "The greatest golfer in the world is proving to be a sub-par husband. The list of Tiger Woods' purported bed mates continues to grow, reaching lucky #7 with reports linking the 33-year-old to former porn star Holly Sampson. The rest of Woods' harem includes a number of hot-bodied blonde's and brunettes with an average age of 30, most of whom are cocktail waitresses. While the damage is done on Woods' squeak-clean image, keeping track of the Tiger's scorecard is no easy task, so click through to get the latest on the golfer's sex scandal ..."
The greatest golfer in the world is proving to be a sub-par husband. The list of Tiger Woods' purported bed mates continues to grow, reaching lucky #7 with reports linking the 33-year-old to former porn star Holly Sampson.The rest of Woods' harem includes a number of hot-bodied blonde's and brunettes with an average age of 30, most of whom are cocktail waitresses. While the damage is done on Woods' squeak-clean image, keeping track of the Tiger's scorecard is no easy task, so click through to get the latest on the golfer's sex scandal ...
Holly Sampson
OK, I guess if you want to guarantee your truest freak then you get your favorite porn star and since you can afford it...OK!

Cori Rist

Las Vegas cocktail waitress and model Jamie Kungers, 26, joins the gaggle of girls linked to Woods. The busty blonde apparently began her affair with the golf champ in his suburban Orland home in 2004 when she was just 20 years old, according to Woods married his wife, Elin Nordegren, in October of that same year. Tiger, sorry this one was for what??? I don't see it at all! She was 20 when you was tapping this...What kind of skills did she have or was she just close???

Mindy Lawton
Mindy Lawton told the British tabloid The News of the World she carried on a year-long affair with Woods that began in the spring of 2006. The 33-year-old restaurant manager said she and the golfer would meet up about every two weeks and that "all he cared about was lust." Tiger, I see a freak right here! Redhead, nothing fancy and if you make the call she is ready for the world!!! you get points on this one for the max freak level!
Kalika Moquin
The third woman linked to Woods emerged on the same day the world's top golfer issued his"profound apology" for "transgressions." The Las Vegas nightclub executive hooked up with Woods more than once at his Las Vegas hotel during the weekend of Oct. 23, reported Life & Style magazine. Uh No!!!! I don't think so!!!! She must have been able to swing from a ceiling fan or something because I don't see it!!! To each his own I guess!!!

Jaimee Grubbs
Different city, same game. Los Angeles cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs also claims to have had a torrid 31-month affair with Tiger. Grubbs, who seems to be enjoying the media attention, dished the dirty details to UsWeekly about sexy photos and 300 racy texts she has from the golfer, as well as their more than 20 sexual encounters. Tiger, this to me shows your not so much like OJ after all!!! Still got a little brotha in ya!!! A little to Hollywood with the face and nose job looks but ok I see the change up was necessary!!!
Rachel Uchitel
And the woman who started it all ... Meet Rachel Uchitel, the first woman caught in the storm of controversy surrounding golf champ Tiger Wood's car accident. The 34-year-old party girl and trendy nightclub hostess denies sleeping with Tiger. But who is the lucky lady who thought she had tamed the Tiger? Tiger, I want you to take off your shirt so I can see your cape because you had to be "Captain Save A Ho" for this one!!! Dry spell or felt sorry for the Vegas waitress??? Nice face but considering your wifes kurves, Jaimee, Mindy and pornstar Holly this was a big stretch or you got better as you went along or your needs changed as you played more!

Wife Elin
How could anyone cheat on this woman?! Former Swedish model Elin Nordegren married Woods in 2004 and is the mother of his two young children, Sam, 2, and Charlie, 10 months. So far the stunning beauty has maintained her silence as to whether she'll stick by her husband of five years after his alleged betrayal. Above, a 21-year-old Elin models a yellow bikini in 2002.
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